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A first date is a fantastic opportunity for a gentleman to make a great first impression. Most woman take time to prepare for a first date to look their best. Men should do the same. Your self presentation – which includes grooming, etiquette, clothing, clean...

24 June, Beverly Hilton. Los Angeles. Jennifer Garner hosted the 5th Annual Gala to raise funds and awareness for the Thirst Project and brought heart and humility to the event. Kevin Nealon brought the house down with laughs. The live auction had guests on their feet...

A group of women brought together by their common spirit for riding motorcycles, they live and ride in Los Angeles, CA. Their professions, interests, and talents are just as varied as their fitness and beauty tips.  [caption id="attachment_3544" align="aligncenter" width="650"] (left to right): Lindsay Bodanza, Lindsay...