10 Tips To Get In Top Shape This Summer

10 Tips To Get In Top Shape This Summer

by Danielle Cuccio

1. Water 

Two liters a day.  As the weather gets warmer, we’re more likely to become dehydrated.  Your body and skin will thank you!

2. Apple Cider Vinegar & Probiotics 

I can’t stress the importance of our digestive health and making sure you balance out the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system!  When I travel and don’t take my probiotics with me (because they have to be refrigerated), I definitely see and feel a difference.  The brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected so it also has an effect on your mood! 

3. Visit Barnes & Noble 

Relaxing is so important to release stress and inflammation.  A book can do just that.  I like having two books that I’m reading at a time.  One that is job related: yoga/beauty/health AND another simply for pleasure.  My recent reads, “The Man Repeller” by Leandra Medine and Kelly Oxford’s book, “Everything Is Perfect When You’re A Liar”.  Both equally hysterical and entertaining!  

4. Sunscreen 

UV exposure is the strongest in the summer.  Sun exposure is important to get in your natural dose of Vitamin D (recommended 5-30 minutes a day).  While working as an Esthetician, I saw sun damage to be women’s number one skin concern.  Later on that SPF 30 or higher! 

5. A Hat 

Know you’re going to be in the sun for more than 30 minutes?  A hat can protect your skin in ways that sunscreen can’t and won’t.

6. Yoga 

Too hot to go on a run or hike?  Yoga is most often practiced indoors!  Yoga allows us to connect more intuitively to our bodies, allowing us to pay more attention to our diets and overall wellbeing. I practice and teach Power Yoga to keep my body in shape, especially during bikini season!  I swear by it!

7. Fruits & Vegetables 

A plant-based diet is the way to go.  Summer months have some of the best fruits available!  Watermelon, anyone?  Watermelon works wonders in replenishing lost fluids in the body and contains lycopene, which protects skin against sun damage! 

8.  The 80/20 Rule 

80% of your diet should be plant-based emphasizing vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains and the other 20% can be where you slack off and enjoy things like cookies, pizza, a cupcake or whatever you are craving!  

9.  Exfoliate 

Pick a cleanser with jojoba beads or a light microdermabrasion cream cleanser. Get rid of dead skin cell buildup and let your skin radiate this summer!

10. Get Some Fresh Air 

It’s summer, enjoy the beautiful weather and get to the ocean for some much needed R&R…You deserve it!

DanielleAbout the author: Danielle Cuccio offers private yoga sessions, customized to your individual needs.  Stay up to date with Danielle’s healthy tips & healthy Brentwood spots in our next issue!

Join Danielle on her YouTube channel @ http://www.youtube.com/user/daniellecuccio or to book a private session with Danielle call (323) 863-5041 or e-mail danielle.cuccio@gmail.com.

Blog: TheBeautyBlender.com

Instagram: @daniellecuccio

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  • Katie
    Posted at 15:17h, 28 May

    A dear friend of mine happened to tell me about Focus, and who should I see on the front page, but this lovely gal!! Danielle teaches at the studio that I go to and she is fabulous..Yoga Booty Ballet with Danielle is always so fun!!