14 Jul Thirst Project Annual Gala
24 June, Beverly Hilton. Los Angeles.
Jennifer Garner hosted the 5th Annual Gala to raise funds and awareness for the Thirst Project and brought heart and humility to the event. Kevin Nealon brought the house down with laughs. The live auction had guests on their feet as Pauley Perrette (NCIS), started by buying a well for $20,000 just because she didn’t have a well in that country yet – she has bought one well in a different country every year, for the last four years. Michael Buckley, YouTube sensation, brought his humor and energy to the stage as he ran around the room with a mic announcing donations.
Thirst Project funds the building of wells to bring fresh water to developing nations. The cost to build a freshwater well in the developing nations ranges from between $7,800 in Uganda to $20,000 in Kenya. One well can provide up to 500 people with clean water indefinitely.
When you bring safe water into a community, disease consistently drops consistently by upwards 88% nearly overnight! Child mortality drops by nearly 99% almost overnight.
(Photos by Araya Diaz/Getty Images for The Thirst Project)
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